الدبعي يلتقي وفداً من الجامعة الطبية الجنوبية الصينية رجل الأعمال المراشده .. خطاب العرش يحمل رسائل للعالم أن الأردن مستمر بدعم القضية الفلسطينية بالصور .. رئيس هيئة مديري جامعة جدارا يبحث تعزيز التعاون المشترك مع جامعة ومعهد غلاسكو في المملكة المتحدة ذكرى الملك الرّاحل الحسين تضيءُ أروقةَ وردهاتِ الجامعة الأردنيّة مركزُ اللّغاتِ في "الأردنيّة" يقيمُ غداءً لطلبته الأجانب الجامعةُ الأردنيّةُ تنظّمُ محاضرةً تعريفيّةً حولَ الدّراسة في جامعة جورجتاون المدربة هناء أبو كاشف تحاضر حول الرهاب الاجتماعي في جامعة إربد الأهلية معرض فني للفنان خليل الكوفحي في جامعة إربد الأهلية اليرموك: الربابعة يرعى فعاليات اليوم الوطني لهندسة الطب والاحياء السفير البريطاني يزور مركز تدريب المرأة العسكرية اتفاقية لدعم إصدارات مشروع مكتبة الأسرة 2024 مديرية الأمن العام تودّع بعثتها المتوجهة لأداء مناسك العمرة "البحوث الزراعية" يختار أسماء المشاركين في مهرجان الزيتون الوطني مذكرة تفاهم بين الجامعة الهاشمية و"أدوية الحكمة" أمين عام الخارجية يلتقي نائب رئيس البرلمان الأوروبي

القسم : محلي - أخبار الاردن
تاريخ النشر : 02/08/2022 1:47:38 AM
"Person of the Month" | Dr. Shukri Al-Marashdh, safe leadership for important educational stations.
"Person of the Month" | Dr. Shukri Al-Marashdh, safe leadership for important educational stations.

For "International Censor" -

The threshing floor was full of wheat, and on the banks of the village were lined with palm trees, cypresses, and pines, and the smell of bricks in the early morning gave the village a special splendor, and stimulated the mudstone house, to the continuity of warmth, love, and peace.

From the village of “Sum” leaning on the shoulder of the northwestern Irbid, the story of the self-made man, the skilled management man, Dr. Shukri Refai Al-Marashdh began.

From the atmosphere of these beautiful rural surroundings, the man's imagination began to go nowhere, in search of self-realization.

As soon as the guide finished his military service while he was in the prime of his youth, until he started preparing again for a new life, military service gave him the honor of the situation, the discipline of the march, and the relentless pursuit of achieving a dream he had since he was circling around the wheat groves in his quiet town.

expatriate trip.

At a crucial moment after the end of his military service, "Aba Firas" gathered his papers and luggage, and traveled to the United Arab Emirates, on a new journey in the man's life, in search of a dream he had been looking forward to achieving since traveling, and after many years, during which he spent a business trip. strenuous, resulted in the realization of part of his dream, which has been accompanying him throughout his traveling.

On returning to the motherland, the man took his first steps toward the path of completing the dream, and began charting his path as an investor in the field of higher and educational education, mixing between modernity and antiquity, through an investment path that he made himself through the wealth he earned from years of work abroad.

The road to university.

Dr. Shukri Al-Marashdh thought and then set out to invest his wealth in the fields of higher education, education, and several other companies. However, the man, who is a prominent member of the Jordanian Businessmen Association and the Arab Businessmen Association, contributed greatly to the establishment of prestigious universities and schools, while preserving the peasant’s heritage. He jumped from the wheat groves, to sit on the chairs of the board of directors in more than one company that he helped establish.

Perhaps the prestigious Jadara University in its academic career was one of the most prominent and important achievements of Dr. Al-Marashdh, who led the process of its founding in the north “Irbid”, an expression of the depth of his love and sincerity of his love for his city and governorate, as is his love for every atom of the country’s soil.

Educational achievements and milestones.

To Irbid Governorate, who loved its soil, Dr. "Aba Firas" returned, and settled and invested in the field of higher and educational education to create real success stories, and here are the man's academic and educational edifices bearing witness to his successes and achievements represented by Jadara University and the schools of the American University of the Middle East, of which he heads the board of directors and management of its affairs the public. The man occupied the most important seats:

1- Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Jordanian Jadara Company for Culture and Education and the North Educational Investment Company of Jadara University.

2- Chairman of the Board of Directors of Al-Raya International Investment and Education Group / the owner of the American University for the Middle East and its schools.

3- Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Allied Company.

4- Chairman of the Board of Directors of the American University Schools Company.

5- Member of the Jordanian Businessmen Association.

6- Member of the Federation of Arab Businessmen.

7- Honorary president of several charities.

8- Consultant in the Arab World Company (Middle East University) previously.

9- Member of the Board of Directors of the Arab World Company (Middle East University) previously.

10- One of the founders of the University of Applied Sciences.

In view of his clear fingerprints in the field of investment in higher education institutions, Al Marashdh received the Shield of Giving and Achievement at the national level from His Majesty King Abdullah II, Ibn Al Hussein, and Jadara University was honored with the Shield of Distinguished Initiatives at the National Level for the year 2008.

A continuous march...and inherited humility.
The path of giving, achievement, and loyalty to Dr. Shukri Al-Marashdh continues. He has learned his father’s simplicity and love for people, and despite the man’s tours of several Arab and international capitals, Jordan remained in his heart, settlement, and travels. And, Som remained, the quiet town and the origin of his born, tickling his nostalgia. And he remained faithful to the soil of the village, and its space from which he learned how to belong and how to innovate.

Finally, this man has always contributed to serving the country and its children by providing hundreds of jobs and employment opportunities for the unemployed. And launching many charitable and humanitarian initiatives, in addition to his various patriotic positions that are still stuck in the memory and that the place does not have the space to highlight and review. Therefore, He deserves to be the "Personality of the Month" through our media platform, in appreciation and pride for his honorable success stories.
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